A study relating fetal hydrocephalus with family history and consanguinity in Pakistani population.


  • Ambreen Surti Bahria University Health Sciences Campus Karachi.
  • Ambreen Usmani Bahria University Health Sciences Campus Karachi.
  • Quratulain Javaid Bahria University Health Sciences Campus Karachi.




Atrium of Lateral Ventricle, Biparietal Diameter, Family History, Hydrocephalus, Ventriculomegaly


Objective: To correlate the amniotic fluid index (AFI), measurements of biparietal diameter (BPD) and head circumference (HC) with atrium of lateral ventricle measurements (ALV) and relate the association of fetal hydrocephalus with family history and consanguinity. Study Design: Cross-sectional study. Setting: Private Ultrasound Clinic, Karachi. Period: December 2018 – July 2019. Material & Methods: Thirty six patients were inducted in the study. Female patients of age range of 18-41 years with gestational age of 21-39 weeks were inducted into the study after informed consent. Toshiba Aplio 300 ultrasound machine was used to measure, atrium of lateral ventricle, biparietal diameter, fetal length, head circumference and amniotic fluid index. Association between ALV and BPD, family history and consanguinity was seen by applying independent t-test while Pearson’s correlation was used to correlate the measurements of ALV and head circumference. Results: Atrium of lateral ventricle measurements >10mm were diagnosed as hydrocephalus. It was observed that hydrocephalus was associated with normal volumes of amniotic fluid with highly significant results (<0.000).  Furthermore, the study also reported a strong association of family history and consanguineous marriages with hydrocephalus. A negative correlation was however observed between measurements of atrium of lateral ventricle and head circumference. Conclusion: Hydrocephalus was found to be associated with normal volumes of amniotic flid and had a strong association with family history and consanguinity.

Author Biographies

Ambreen Surti, Bahria University Health Sciences Campus Karachi.

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatomy), MHPE, Assistant Professor Anatomy, 

Ambreen Usmani, Bahria University Health Sciences Campus Karachi.

MBBS, M.Phil (Anatomy), Ph.D, PGD-E, MHPE, Professor Anatomy, 

Quratulain Javaid, Bahria University Health Sciences Campus Karachi.

MBBS, PGD-Bioethics M.Phil (Anatomy), Associate Professor Anatomy, 






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